Brody SL, Pan J, Huang T, Xu J, Xu H, Koenitizer JR, Brennan SK, Nanjundappa R, Saba TG, Rumman N, Berical A, Hawkins FJ, Wang X, Zhang R, Mahjoub MR, Horani A, Dutcher SK. (2025). Undocking of an extensive ciliary network induces proteostasis and cell fate switching resulting in severe primary ciliary dyskinesia. Science Translational Medicine. (Pubmed)
Kulkarni SS, Stephenson RE, Amalraj S, Arrigo A, Betleja E, Moresco JJ, Yates JR 3rd, Mahjoub MR, Miller AL, Khokha MK. (2024). The Heterotaxy Gene CCDC11 Is Important for Cytokinesis via RhoA Regulation. Cytoskeleton. (Pubmed).
Muto Y, Yoshimura Y, Wu H, Chang-Panesso M, Ledru N, Woodward OM, Outeda P, Cheng T, Mahjoub MR, Watnick TJ, Humphreys BD. (2024). Multiomics profiling of mouse polycystic kidney disease progression at a single-cell resolution. PNAS. (Pubmed).
Rezi CK, Aslanyan MG, Diwan GD, Cheng T, Chamlali M, Junger K, Anvarian Z, Lorentzen E, Pauly KB, Afshar-Bahadori Y, Fernandes EF, Qian F, Tosi S, Christensen ST, Pedersen SF, Strømgaard K, Russell RB, Miner JH, Mahjoub MR, Boldt K, Roepman R, Pedersen LB. (2024). DLG1 functions upstream of SDCCAG3 and IFT20 to control ciliary targeting of polycystin-2. EMBO Reports. (Pubmed).
Langner E, Puapatanakul P, Pudlowski R, Alsabbagh DY, Miner JH, Horani A, Dutcher SK, Brody SL, Wang JT, Suleiman HY, Mahjoub MR. (2024). Ultrastructure expansion microscopy (U-ExM) of mouse and human kidneys for analysis of subcellular structures. Cytoskeleton. (Pubmed).
- Image featured on the cover!
Cheng T, Mariappan A, Langner E, Shim K, Gopalakrishnan J, and Mahjoub MR. (2024). Inhibiting centrosome clustering reduces cystogenesis and improves kidney function in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. JCI Insight (Pubmed).
- Image and article featured on the cover!
Langner E, Cheng T, Kefaloyianni E, Gluck C, Wang B, and Mahjoub MR. (2024). Cep120 is essential for kidney stromal progenitor cell growth and differentiation. EMBO Reports (Pubmed).
Cheng T, Agwu C, Shim K, Wang B, Jain S, and Mahjoub MR. (2023). Aberrant centrosome biogenesis disrupts nephron and collecting duct progenitor growth and fate resulting in fibrocystic kidney disease. Development. (Pubmed).
Horani A, Gupta D, Xu J, Xu H, Puga Molina LDC, Santi CM, Ramagiri S, Brennan SK, Pan J, Koenitzer JR, Huang T, Hyland RM, Gunsten SP, Tzeng SC, Strahle JM, Mill P, Mahjoub MR, Dutcher SK, and Brody SL. (2023). The effect of Dnaaf5 gene dosage on primary ciliary dyskinesia phenotypes. JCI Insight. (Pubmed).
Quarmby LM and Mahjoub MR. (2023). Deciliation. The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook (Third Edition).
Lewis M, Terré B, Knobel PA, Cheng T, Lu H, Attolini CS, Smak J, Coyaud E, Garcia-Cao I, Sharma S, Vineethakumari C, Querol J, Gil-Gómez G, Piergiovanni G, Costanzo V, Peiró S, Raught B, Zhao H, Salvatella X, Roy S, Mahjoub MR, and Stracker TH. (2023). GEMC1 and MCIDAS interactions with SWI/SNF complexes regulate the multiciliated cell-specific transcriptional program. Cell Death Dis. (Pubmed).
Mahjoub MR, Nanjundappa R, Harvey MN. (2022). Development of a Multiciliated Cell. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. (Pubmed).
Meka DP, Kobler O, Hong S, Friedrich CM, Wuesthoff S, Henis M, Schwanke B, Krisp C, Schmuelling N, Rueter R, Ruecker T, Betleja E, Cheng T, Mahjoub MR, Soba P, Schlüter H, Fornasiero EF, Calderon de Anda F. (2022). Centrosome-dependent microtubule modifications set the conditions for axon formation. Cell Reports. (Pubmed).
Azar C, Valentine MC, Trausch-Azar J, Rois L, Mahjoub MR, Nelson DM and Schwartz AL.(2021). RNA-Seq identifies genes whose proteins are upregulated during syncytia development in murine C2C12 myoblasts and human BeWo trophoblasts. Physiol. Rep. (Pubmed).
Liu Z, Nguyen QPH, Nanjundappa R, Delgehyr N, Megherbi A, Doherty R, Thompson J, Jackson C, Albulescu A, Heng YM, Lucas JS, Dell SD, Meunier A, Czymmek K, Mahjoub MR, Mennella V (2020). Super-Resolution Microscopy and FIB-SEM Imaging Reveal Parental Centriole-Derived, Hybrid Cilium in Mammalian Multiciliated Cells. Developmental Cell. (Pubmed).
Terry T, Cheng T, Mahjoub MR and Zong H. (2020). Mosaic Analysis with Double Markers reveals IGF1R function in granule cell progenitors during cerebellar development. Developmental Biology. (Pubmed).
Sahabandu N, Kong D, Magidson V, Nanjundappa R, Sullenberger C, Mahjoub MR and Loncarek J. (2019). Expansion Microscopy for the Analysis of Centrosomes and Cilia. J. Microscopy. (Pubmed).
Nanjundappa R, Kong D, Shim K, Stearns T, Brody S, Loncarek J, and Mahjoub MR. (2019). Regulation of Cilia Abundance in Multiciliated Cells. eLife. (Pubmed).
Bowler M, Kong D, Sun S, Nanjundappa R, Evans L, Farmer V, Holland A, Mahjoub MR, Sui H, and Loncarek J. (2019). High-resolution Characterization of Centriole Distal Appendage Morphology and Dynamics by Correlative STORM and Electron Microscopy. Nature Communications. (Pubmed).
Hruska KA and Mahjoub MR. (2019). New pathogenic insights inform therapeutic target development for renal osteodystrophy. Kidney International. (Pubmed).
Trott JF, Hwang VJ, Ishimaru T, Chmiel K, Zhou X, Shim K, Stewart B, Mahjoub MR, Jen KY, Barupal D, Li X and Weiss RH. (2018). Arginine reprogramming in ADPKD results in arginine-dependent cystogenesis. AJP-Renal Physiology. (Pubmed).
- Research Highlight: Arginine auxotrophy in PKD. Nature Reviews-Nephrology.
Wambach JA, Wegner DJ, Yang P, Shinawi M, Baldrige D, Betleja E, Shimony JS, Spencer D, Hackett BP, Andrews MV, Ferkol T, Dutcher SK, Mahjoub MR and Cole FS. (2018). Functional characterization of biallelic RTTN variants identified in an infant with microcephaly, simplified gyral pattern, pontocerebellar hypoplasia, and seizures. Pediatric Research. (Pubmed)
Dionne LK, Shim K, Hoshi M, Cheng T, Wang J, Marthiens V, Knoten A, Basto R, Jain S, and Mahjoub MR. (2018). Centrosome amplification disrupts renal development and causes cystogenesis. J. Cell Biology. (Pubmed).
- Featured in JCB special collection focusing on “Centrosomes and Cilia”.
Betleja E, Nanjundappa R, Cheng T, and Mahjoub MR. (2018). A novel Cep120-dependent mechanism inhibits centriole maturation in quiescent cells. eLife. (Pubmed).
Potter C, Razafsky D, Wozniak D, Casey M, Penrose S, Ge X, Mahjoub MR, Hodzic D. (2018). The KASH-containing isoform of Nesprin1 giant associates with ciliary rootlets of ependymal cells. Neurobiology of Disease. (Pubmed).
Potter C, Zhu W, Razafsky D, Ruzycki P, Kolesnikov AV, Doggett T, Kefalov VJ, Betleja E, Mahjoub MR, Hodzic D. (2017). Multiple Isoforms of Nesprin1 Are Integral Components of Ciliary Rootlets. Current Biology. (Pubmed).
Hwang VJ, Zhou X, Chen X, Trott J, Abu Aboud O, Shim K, Dionne LK, Chmiel KJ, Senapedis W, Baloglu E, Mahjoub MR, Li X, Weiss RH. (2017). Anticystogenic activity of a small molecule PAK4 inhibitor may be a novel treatment for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Kidney International. (Pubmed).
Silva E, Betleja E, John E, Spear P, Moresco JJ, Zhang S, Yates JR III, Mitchell BJ and Mahjoub MR. (2015). Ccdc11 is a novel centriolar satellite protein essential for ciliogenesis and establishment of Left-Right asymmetry. Mol. Biol. Cell. (PubMed).
- Selected for “Research Highlights” in ASCB newsletter.
Hoshi M, Wang J, Jain S and Mahjoub MR. (2015). Imaging centrosomes and cilia in the mouse kidney. Methods in Cell Biology. (PubMed)
Mahjoub MR and Tsou MF. (2013). The AmAZI1ing roles of centriolar satellites during development. PLoS Genetics. (PubMed)
Mahjoub MR. (2013). The importance of a single primary cilium. Organogenesis. (PubMed).
Before joining WashU:
Mahjoub MR and Stearns T. (2012). Supernumerary centrosomes nucleate extra cilia and compromise primary cilium signaling. Current Biology. (PubMed)
Park KS, Martelotto LG, Peifer M, Sos ML, Karnezis AN, Mahjoub MR, Bernard K, Conklin J, Szczepny A, Yuan J, Guo R, Ospina B, Falzon J, Bennett S, Brown TJ, Markovic A, Devereux WL, Ocasio CA, Chen JK, Stearns T, Thomas RK, Dorsch M, Buonamici S, Watkins DN, Peacock CD and Sage J. (2011). A crucial requirement for Hedgehog signaling in small cell lung cancer. Nature Medicine (PubMed)
Mahjoub MR, Xie Z and Stearns T. (2010). Cep120 is asymmetrically localized to the daughter centriole and is essential for centriole assembly. J Cell Biology. (PubMed)
Parker JD, Hilton LK, Diener DR, Rasi MQ, Mahjoub MR, Rosenbaum JL and Quarmby LM. (2010). Centrioles are freed from cilia by severing prior to mitosis. Cytoskeleton (PubMed)
Mahjoub MR, Trapp ML and Quarmby LM. (2005). NIMA-related kinases defective in murine models of polycystic kidney diseases localize to primary cilia and centrosomes. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. (PubMed)
Quarmby LM and Mahjoub MR (2005). Caught Nek-ing: Cilia and centrioles. J Cell Science. (PubMed)
Mahjoub MR, Rasi QM and Quarmby LM (2004). A NIMA-related kinase, Fa2p, localizes to a novel site in the proximal cilia of Chlamydomonas and mouse kidney cells. Mol Biol Cell. (PubMed)
Blacque OE, Reardon MJ, Li C, McCarthy J, Mahjoub MR, Ansley SJ, Badano JL, Mah AK, Beales PL, Davidson WS, Johnsen RC, Audeh M, Plasterk RH, Baillie DL, Katsanis N, Quarmby LM, Wicks SR and Leroux MR (2004). Loss of C. elegans BBS-7 and BBS-8 protein function results in cilia defects and compromised intraflagellar transport. Genes Dev. (PubMed)
Mahjoub MR, Montpetit B, Zhao L, Finst RJ, Goh B, Kim AC and Quarmby LM (2002). The FA2 gene of Chlamydomonas encodes a NIMA family kinase with roles in cell cycle progression and microtubule severing during deflagellation. J. Cell Science. (PubMed) *** Highlighted in Trends in Cell Biology (2002), 12(8):358.